/*-------------------------------- PAGE BACKGROUND -------------------------------------------*/ /* background image -- put img url here -- if you dont want to use an image, write "none" */ $bg_img: "https://files.catbox.moe/s7s6wt.png"; /* background image style - choose "pattern" for a seamless pattern -- choose "cover" for an image that covers the page */ $bg_img_style: pattern; /* page background color - can be used in place of an image -- or put a transparent pattern over a custom color */ $bg_color: #ddc44d; /* -- TH header bar --- choose "black" or "white" --------------------------- ----- or you can input a custom hex code - font will be white for custom hex*/ $header: black; /*-------------------------------- PAGE COLORS -------------------------------------------*/ /* primary color - links & primary buttons */ $primary: #ddc44d; /* main font color */ $font: #000; /* content section backgrounds */ $body: #fff; /* faded background color -- default is a calculated value, you can replace with a hex */ $bg_faded: darken( $body, 4% ); /* border color - used for divider lines */ $border_alt: rgba($font,.175); /*-------------------------------- SWITCHES -------------------------------------------*/ /* controls div corners - choose "sharp" or "soft" or "round" */ $radius: soft; /* recents images -- set to "off" to remove recent images -- set to "on" to have them appear */ $recent_images: on; /* PROFILE LINK SWITCHES --- set to "on" for the sidebar links to appear -- set to "off" for the links to hide */ $nav_user_art: on; $nav_user_designs: off; $nav_worlds: off; $nav_links: off; $nav_lits: off; /* -------------------- BOOTSTRAP CLASSES ----------------------*/ /* muted color - faded text */ $muted: rgba($font, .75); /* success color */ $succ: #4BBF73; /* danger color */ $danger: #d9534f; /* warning color */ $warning: #f0ad4e; /* info color */ $info: #1F9BCF; /* CSS IMPORT LINK -- do not combine this with other imports it will break -- you can write custom CSS below the import link */ @import '0/5179/qiGFSB/stripe';